Some people may view insurance as a financial scam others as a way to mitigate risk and a necessary policy. Share with us and let us know how you feel about insurance.

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What price would you put on financial education?

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Inflation, what is it and how does it affect you?

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Many of us will start working and accept any salary offered to us. Sometimes this salary is not enough to maintain the lifestyle you wish to live. In your opinion, what is the least salary you think is needed to maintain a basic lifestyle?

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Debt or no debt?

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Which would you prefer and why: $10, 000 now $25, 000 in 3 years or $1000 every month for 2 years?

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Which do you prefer as an individual, to work for someone or to work for yourself. Also comment on why you prefer the option you stated.

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Welcome to my financial education blog.

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